Posts Tagged ‘WIPs’
Where Am I Now?
It’s mid-September, 2009. How did we get here so fast? Another summer zipped by, and another fall is well on its way… and what do I have to show for it?
Well, not much. Or at least I feel it’s not much, but here’s where I stand in terms of WIPs and so forth:
- A Work in Progress (2007) – First Draft complete, currently under second read-through.
- The Door in the Wall (2008) – First Draft complete (minus a few paragraphs at the end), currently under first read-through.
Yikes. That’s a lot of work… the 2008 manuscript needs a lot more work before it’s coherent in any way, and I feel the 2007 novel is much, much closer to being ready than it was a year ago. Lots of edits still to do, but progress is progress. The frustrating part is that I want to be able to devote myself to new stories, and I wish these ones would just be done & get out of the way for awhile. But, that’s not how we writers do things, is it?
Baby steps, baby steps.
In the meantime, I’m trying to:
- Plot my 2009 NaNoWriMo novel.
- Think about which novel to write as part of a course I’m taking (more on that sometime soon).
- Do the work for above mentioned course.
- Finish my cat care ebook.
- Finish edits on an inspirational booklet for a client.
- Learn my way around in my new volunteer editor position for an online flash fiction magazine (more on that another time too!).
- Find more work that I can actually be paid for!
This comes in the midst of teaching 2 dance classes a week, taking an additional 3 dance classes for myself (two of which are performance troupes), trying to read & review all the ARCs that keep showing up in my mailbox, maintaining this blog, editing the blog for Lifeline, keeping my friends (haha), caring for a cat/bird/husband & all associated things that come with a marriage and household. Ah, and I have an application in to be this year’s NaNoWriMo Municipal Liaison for my region (which I should hear back about within the next week).
It’s a lot. I probably missed something in there, but that’s that, and now it’s documented… so people can bug me about getting my work done! I figured, it’s been awhile since I updated everyone on what I’m doing, so there you have it! Apologies if it came off as whiny… not my intention
And to all of you who have huge projects you’re dealing with, or many little ones you’re trying to juggle, I wish you all the best in the coming months. Autumn is a beautiful season (my favorite, actually), but is it ever busy… yet somehow, I look forward to it every year. Good luck with whatever you’re doing! And if you’re really excited about it, please go ahead and share it with us in the comment section!